Business RE-imagined

Unlock your business potential

At Bothy Consulting we specialise in unlocking the full potential of your organisation by accelerating innovation and driving AI and digital adoption. Our unique expertise stems from having delivered transformative results across a range of companies and industries, ensuring that we bring proven strategies and insights to bear.

We offer comprehensive services from defining your innovation strategy to organisational design, process mapping and redesign, culture change and more. By focusing on what matters to our clients, we improve productivity, grow revenue and enhance profitability.

A shelter for innovative exploration

Innovation can be daunting but we provide the safety and security you need to take a bold step on your exploration.

Sustainable innovation

We leave you with a legacy and culture of innovation, ensuring that your business continues to thrive with a sustainable progressive mindset.

Weathering the storm

We set you up to be prepared for the future. A more resilient and agile organisation ready to take advantage of whatever comes next.

Built on decades of experience

We have over 50 years of combined experience across sectors and industries, delivering change and transformation across the world.

Ian is a former Finance Director, Chief Operating Officer and Innovation Leader in companies such as Tesco and Grosvenor.

Craig is a former Chief Information Officer and Innovation Leader in companies including Landsec and Grosvenor.

Both Ian and Craig are also Non-Executives in organisations that span different industries, adding to their experience and broad-minded approach.